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trestres said:
Lol, I can play Mass effect, Bioshock and Gears of War on my PC. I will play Halo 3 on my PC this year most probably.

Bioshock is on PS3 too, lulz.

So X360 has 5 85%+ games (3 racers, 1 fighting game, 1 3rd person shooter).
Wii has 6 85%+ games (1 RPG, 1 FPS, 1 Platformer, 1 Fighting game, 1 Point&click adventure, 1 Puzzle game).

Conclusion: Wii has the best and most varied exclusives, confirmed.
 LOL. You cannot compare PC gaming to the console market. GOW on PC hasnt even sold 1/4 of the 360 version. They are console exclusives in other words you cant play them on any other console at the moment. PS3 does not have Bioshock til it's released. Lets not confuse the issue here.