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Taken from N4G, but also it's on alot of sites around the net. M$ were right when they said they werent finished this year with 2008. And I think M$ could steal this year from August onwards in sales from PS3 worldwide. It of course depends on what these games are, but the fact that they are high profile and we already know about Too Human, BK3, GOW2, Fable 2, Halo Wars and the exclusive JRPG's this sounds very intriguing. Possibly Peter Jacksons game slash movie of Halo will be ready? Maybe Forza 3 with better graphics than GT5?Who knows. But if these are big hitters then Sony may struggle.

"Microsoft Game Studios recently showcased its Xbox 360 line-up for the rest of 2008, including big hitters Banjo-Kazooie, Fable 2 and Gears of War 2. But from what we've heard, there are two more planned for the end of the year...

According to well placed sources close to Microsoft, the publisher has two more "big" Xbox 360 games to be revealed for its 2008 line-up.

Where and when will these two games be revealed? According to our own Deep Throat, it'll happen at E3 in Los Angeles, probably during Microsoft's pre-event press conference on Monday, July 14.

Our source didn't specify whether the pair of games will be totally new titles, or just missing names from the 360 line-up (Halo Wars or Alan Wake would be fantastic additions to the 360 Christmas list).

One of the games could even utilise the heavily rumoured 360 motion controller, which is sounding more and more real as the year progresses.

Excellent news then, if true, considering that Microsoft's '08 roster already looks pretty solid with Fable and Gears. Either way, we'll keep our ear to the ground and keep you posted on more developments..."