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I think we need a better definition of exclusive.

There is no reason a developer could not chose to make a game an exclusive. If Squareenix want to release Dragon Quest only on the big sellers I see no problem here. I do not care if it is Snes, PS2 or DS.

Helping a company with development costs is ok. Nintendo paid for the translations costs of Tales of Symphonia, so I think it is alright with they tell Sony to make their own translation for a NA release.

If a company makes the game for just one console and release it on others due to good sales there is no problem also.
Sony told Capcom that Viewtiful Joe was shit when they first offered it for PS2, Nintendo gladly accepted their offer. Capcom made a PS2 version With extras later when Sony asked for it. I do not see any problem here.

If a company have an agreement on a exclusive - like the console has some features that makes the game unique - I think it is ok. That was not the case with RE4, Capcom back stabbed Nintendo. It is the case with games that focus a lot on online play kinda like some Xbox games.

Paying for the game exclusive as whole is wrong. If the company paying is not involved into the development, then it sucks. It sounds like an insurance policy against the competition.

Playing for exclusive content or extras would be alright if:
1) there is a good reason for it, like Wii control scheme, Xbox Live or PS3 interaction with Home or extra space on BR.
2) the price paid is the price the extras are worth.
Of course that is not the truth for GTA4 content. I know that there is a lot of subjective value in it, and the game being a major hit may justify it. Even so, I think everyone knows that the real reason is "do everything humanly possible to stop Sony from getting the better version".

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."