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Gobias said:

This is a thread about Fable 2.

Whenever someone says "Uncharted looks better",

I'm 99.9% sure it's in reference to Uncharted vs. Fable 2.

My count is 6:2 (and those 2 don't even really count, but I'll let it slide) in favor of Uncharted, beat around the bush all you want, you were wrong. Unless of course I missed 5 people who favored Fable somehow. :P

Oh and in case you're confused, the last section is for people who are less than positive about this game and they have nothing to do with the Uncharted vs. Fable 2 comparison. I only pointed them out because you decided to go all PR and say that the response was "overwhelmingly" positive, which it clearly was not.

If you insist.

Name the 6 people that directly said they think Uncharted looks better than Fable 2.

Not what you're "sure" about, as we've already seen what you're sure about and actual reality are often somewhat seperate entities.  So please only list people that have literally expressed an opinion in favour of your argument. 


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