ARamdomGamer said: Is there a collectopedia in the game or a monster list? Gonna feel kind of dumb asking this if there is. Because it was my favorite thing in the previous games, filling the items of every section or continent and keeping track of what I have defeated in X. |
Nope. It makes it seem like there is in some of the blades upgrades. It will be like Collect 25 items from the insect collectepedia or something like that. But it just means collect 25 bugs from collection spots. They could be 25 of the exact same bug, it don't matter.
I also enjoyed that from prior games. Was cool getting the last item you needed and getting the reward. Though I do enjoy collecting more in this game. Not as much zigzagging to grab every blue orb. Also once you get higher skills in collecting its nice getting like 20 items at each spot instead of like just 4-5. Keeps the collection spots still exctiting to find even X hours in.