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starcraft said:
Gobias said:

Obviously I am going to go by the title (esp. when it says GAMEPLAY in the URL), and not the content of the video.

Clearly all the logic and 20/20 vision in the world will not help to overturn your ridiculous opinion, so it is an exercise in futility arguing with you. But seriously, I suggest you consult an optometrist.

On a side note, I find it rather amusing that you so often tell people to "argue with your points" rather than just dismiss you. Yet when someone gives you a solid argument, you either dodge (There was no moon in the movie I watched, so ha!) or ignore the points completely. Rather than refuting my observations about this games graphics, you just tell me that the video I discussed is a "trailer" rather than a gameplay clip (which I would assume would attempt to show off the best the game has to offer since its trying to entice people into purchasing the game.) So if the trailer fails to impress, I don't see how the co-op demo would be any better.

Anyways, I suggest you stop telling people to argue with your points instead of just labeling you as a troll or ignoring you, because you're starting to look an awful lot like a hypocrite.

So regardless of the fact that many people in this thread (at least half) have agreed with me that Fable 2 looks resolutely better, you feel comfortable accusing me of having a "ridiculous opinion" and suggesting that I "consult an optometrist?"

I apologize for the fact that the links were incorrectly labelled by the website. However, given I repeatedely alluded to a 'gameplay' trailer of considerable length, I assumed you, like everyone else in this thread, would have no trouble figuring out which one I was referring too.

Its somewhat ironic. Not only do you accuse me of not refuting the observations you made about graphics, which I clearly do in the last paragraph of the post you quoted, but you also blatantly admit to not engaging with my subject matter and simply brushing it aside with the comment "I don't see how the co-op demo would be any better."

Again, your overly aggressive tone is highly unneccessary. This is a games forum after all.



 Yes, you're right. ~3 people directly agreed with you on the fact that Fable looks better than Uncharted, that's well over half.

Except ~7 people agreed that Uncharted looks better.  (Forgive me if my count is off, it's late, but the point remains)

You post said; ""Tell me how the gameplay video I linked to ended?"

I naturally assumed that the video you were talking about was the one called gameplay, but as I have already said the video differences are irrelevent so I won't dwell on this moot point. Perhaps if this was a gameplay discussion this would mean something, but we are talking in respect to graphics here, and obviously a trailer is supposed to give a better picture of the graphics then a gameplay demo.

If you think refuting my points about this game encompasses you saying "I have played uncharted and this 8 month old footage which I assume will be improved makes me think it will look better" then you are seriously wrong.

That's stating an opinion, you've refuted nothing. I clearly explained why the subject matters of the video is irrelevent, if you cannot understand that then I'm afraid it is you who are at fault.

Kind of sad that an aussie considers this aggressive.


As in go buy us some coffee.