IkePoR said:
The shrines seem like scattered ideas thought up by ever member of the team, all thrown into their own idea. It was probably easier to have 120 separate ideas, than to have 120 ideas separated cohesively into 10 or so traditional dungeons. I think fans have spoken up about this and the team will listen. My hope is to see a balance between the freedom of BotW style and the themeing of the more traditional stuff(less of the "get item - use it" stuff and more of the unique vistas for the dungeons themselves). |
I understand how it could be easier, but I think the ideas could still be incorporated into 8 or so dungeons, as long as they have the right planners on the job. But it is what it is, just a nitpick at this point.
I hope they take the feedback as well. I don't want them to return to the get item, and use it on this dungeon either and I don't think they'll go back to that for the mainline. But yeah, more impressive and themed dungeons with multiple ways to traverse based off of your repertoire of items would be great.