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For anyone who still struggles with the combat depth keep the following in mind and the rest you'll pick up naturally.

- Your characters auto attack

- With each attack your artes charge up

- With each use of your artes your special charges up

- Specials have charge levels with 4 being the highest

- You can activate other party members specials with ZL

- Auto attacks can be cancelled into artes.

- Cancel attacks into artes the second they hit.

- Don't always use specials straight away charge them up to higher levels first or level 4 if possible.

- Activating your party members specials after your own is a special combo and deals a tonne of damage especially with level 4.

- Go into your menu and check your character artes for a description of what they do, for example some drop potions for extra healing, select your artes based on strategy.

- Blades have different roles (Healer, Tank. Attack) be mindful of them.

- When you switch blades in battle it doesn't reset their charge on artes and such.