SvennoJ said: The reward from exploration is not the trinket at the end, it's the journey. To make exploration more rewarding the landscape needs more variety, more surprises along the way, hidden valleys, caves, etc like you said. Better enemy variety helps with that as well. |
@bold That depends on the person playing imo. Exploring doesn't feel very rewarding to me if I'm not going to find something cool at the end, but that's just me, a lot of people do enjoy "just" exploring, which is way there's people who have played this game for over 300 hours. But anyways, I do feel that more landscape variety would help exploration feel more meaningful, maybe they could add seasons to the game, that would be cool.
There technically aren't 999 moons in Odyssey, it's closer to 800-something, but it's still a lot. The reason you can go up to 999 is because you can just keep buying moons in the store until you max them out.