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I did 3 more races, decided to run 2 qualifier laps first (That's about it for my attention span during qualifying lol) Ofcourse the first race I got matched with someone 2.5 sec faster, I started in 3rd, got boosted to 2nd at the start and stayed ahead of 3rd for most of the race until he bumped me in the last lap. He didn't pass and apologized later so was all good. The leader meanwhile was over 10 sec ahead at the end, good matchmaking!

Second race I got pole. 2nd place was laggy and had a slow start giving me plenty room for the first corner. Then 2 and 3 started fighting for position so I got 2.5 sec ahead for the rest of the race, easy win.

Third I got matched with B drivers again, 2nd place start. 1st place was someone on my friend list so was all good. I gave him a bit more room at the start than I should have, fell behind 1 sec which pretty much stayed that way for the entire race. 3rd place never caught up. I beat his best lap time yet someone else drafted a better best lap time during the race.

So 2,1,2, went from 50% into DR.B to 60% into DR.C. Nice to see the new Victory screen yet I must say driving from behind is much more exciting! Anyway a couple more races and I'll be back in DR.B and starting in the middle of the pack again to inevitably get dropped out of SR.S and the cycle repeats.