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I agree. But I feel the team did the best they could to retain some "Zelda" while rethinking conventions and taking inspiration from other developers.

I hope that Nintendo does find a better medium between the two styles in the sequel which Aonuma said, they're already working on. I just want clever and themed dungeons back, but with special items again that can be used in multiple ways. (Basically the Runes but with more variety and surprise) And a more engaging story. It doesn't have to be Final Fantasy but I dunno, BOTWs story after getting off the Plateau was kind of not very genuine to me.

The Divine beasts as dungeons were not satisfying to me. All I want for Nintendo to do is re-evaluate how they could insert themed dungeons into the game while not making the game so linear. Shrines are cool, but they're no replacement for dungeons. And I know a lot of friends who just completed half of them, missing out on a lot of Zelda's main appeal (puzzle solving). 

Last edited by Ljink96 - on 04 December 2017