Wyrdness said: Zelda moving away from dungeons and all is what people have been asking for for ages and that's what BOTW delivers a template for the series to not be reliant on that structure as the games started becoming about how good are the dungeons. BOTW gladly sorted that problem out as now the series is open to a host of new mechanics and approaches that it can benefit from as opposed to being dictated by dungeons even many of the incarnations of Hyrule were wasted as it was just a train ride for the next dungeon stop. The dungeons always felt separate from the world of Hyrule were as in BOTW the dungeons and shrines feel a very much part of it, the world of Hyrule became the focus for the adventure now and not the dungeons and that imo makes BOTW a far better Zelda game than any other. |
Really? I felt the dungeons and shrines very detaching in BoTW. That's not to say I disagree with your notion of other Zelda games being looked upon their dungeons rather than the world, the later being something that BoTW does in a fantastic way, always full of life. But the Divine Beasts acted the very same and the approach was constrained by the linearity of the gimmick arrow/goron battle, and basic, unavoidable puzzles to activate the core and spawn the boss. And shrines were always halved by a loading screen and the very same room with variations; sometimes offering a 10 second challenge and some others requiring more time, but never escaping the mantra of repetitiveness. A Link Between Worlds allowed for freedom within the world and approaching its challenges, but it maintained the spirit of the franchise itself much better, I'd say.
Precisely because BoTW chooses the different path - the world - is what makes it a very strikingly different Zelda game. If this becomes the norm now, then I guess most of what I'm saying will be meaningless when more Zelda games keep coming, but as for now it seems for me like the odd game, similar (but miles better) to what Link's Adventure was.
OTBWY said: I disagree wholly. The game is back to form as far as I'm concerned. Very much Zelda 1 inspired. |
As I told Wyrdness, the way you approach the world, its inhabitants and its dungeons reminds me much more of Link's Adventure, rather than the original one, which was pretty much dungeon-oriented for the main part (unless you're alluding to shrines here).