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OTBWY said: Meh. The Kotaku one was worse. He literally said that he didn't like the first one. It's literally "I don't like RPG's" the review.

I just finished reading it. At least he went into a lot of detail about why he didn't like the game. Common complaints among reviewers is that the game is too grindy, and has too many complicated systems. I can't really fault him for not liking that aspect of the game. He did include the usual "Voice acting is terrible, because I don't know anything about the Japanese patch" fallacy though. I also noticed that he didn't even finish the game, yet wrote a review anyway. So unprofessional. 

Edit: I can respect the Kotaku writer's opinion a lot more though, because he actually backed up what he said with explanations. That's all I want out of a review. Don't simply say that it's bad or good. Say why it's bad or good. That and do your research on the game. And finish the damned thing. 

Last edited by Cerebralbore101 - on 02 December 2017