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Barkley said:
spemanig said:

It is, though. Again, substitute Japanese with black or white. If you have problems with tropes, mechanics, or styles, talk about it in those terms. No one talks about vast open world filled with busy work and say "wow, this game is way too European."

It is not, because "Japanese" is a recognised style of game. So much so it even has a genre, "JRPG". Is the term Japanese RPG racist? Is disliking Japanese RPG's racist? The Japanese have no issue using the term JRPG, thus they should have no issue with someone disliking a game because it's too "Japanese", as it's an accurate and accepted terminology used to describe certain games, and I've never seen anyone have an issue with this other than you, so no one actually from Japan themselves.

Substituting black or white is completely misguided as it is not a recognised and accepted term used to describe a certain style of game.

No, it's not. "Japanese" isn't a genre, JRPG is. And the use of the term JRPG has been criticized for decades because it doesn't mean anything. There is no "style" of game specific to the JRPG genre. When Undertale and Dragons Dogma can be said to be part of the same genre, and people do have valid reasons to argue that point, the categorization has major issues.

There are plenty of JRPGs that don't get criticized for being "too Japanese." Fire Emblem is not a JRPG, but is subject to similar criticisms. Senran Kagura and Dead or Alive are subject to the same criticisms, and aren't even RPGs. Dark Souls and Metal Gear Solid don't get these criticisms, and they are as Japanese as any JRPG. Earthbound, Pokemon, and Super Mario RPG are some of the most renowned JRPGs of all time, and none of them are populated by the tropes, styles, or mechanics that make people criticize games for being "too Japanese." So when someone says a game is "too Japanese," don't pretend they are criticizing the entire genre or something as if there is any blanket criticism that can be made to such a diverse set of games.

Substituting black or white isn't an accepted term because it would be clearly viewed as racially ignorant. If there was a sudden boom of RPGs made in Africa that gained mass popularity, BRPG wouldn't suddenly gain some use.