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Khuutra said:
Final Fantasy VII did not put the series on the map. The original did. FFVII only made it "cool", which is an intensely different thing.

The most important Final Fantasy in terms of concept is the original.

In terms of mechanics it would be Final Fantasy IV, for the introduction of the ATB system.

In terms of characterization it's VI, easily.

In terms of storytelling it's XII.

I can't think of a criteria under which VII would be the most important.

Excellent points all around.  I think for many VII is viewed as the most important because it was simply released at the right time.  At that point in its life, the PS1 had finished taking the first steps in removing gaming from a niche culture to mainstream entertainment.  FFVII was hence the first RPG with high production values (and a television advertising budget in NA) that got people their first taste with RPGs and Final Fantasy.  Its gameplay was very accessible, and even though the story and characters were mediocre at best, it's accessibility and production values made it a smash hit.  Other RPGs released at the time had higher difficulty curves and less slick presentation.

VI I feel is the high point of the series in terms of polished gameplay, strong story and characterization, with IV a close second for its introduction of the combat system we all know and love, and its own very strong set of main characters. 

Unfortunately I think VI also marked the last time we would ever see a truly great Final Fantasy title, outside of FF Tactics.