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SvennoJ said:
DonFerrari said:

they said they done that mostly for street car... and they shouldn't had erased the ones that doesn't have to do with those type of car... also if they made the game easier then the older times were still valid.

Yes mine shows how many positions I gained...having shit qualifying you can earn a lot of positions kkk. But usually deal with crazier guys.

well... rubberband and drive oval circuit is easy to set.

Yep, and if you start last you can't lose :) lol The crazier guys are actually easier to pass, they leave plenty openings. Can't be trusted to drive side by side though. Yet the higher level they are the more aggressive as well, i guess that's the way to get ahead. Too bad penalties don't stand for the whole race as many people would not end up in first if penalties didn't bleed off in corners.

Anyway the main reason for not qualifying is time, I'm multitasking, jump in for the race to get the daily gift car and that's it until the extra content hits. At least starting last saves the embarrassment from forgetting to turn the controller back on :/ Today's daily race auto start is pretty wonky on Dragontrail. I started 2 before last and the people in front of me stepped on the brakes in autodrive, while I got launched into them by it, the hell. Start with a penalty. It happens more often that there's a big speed difference between cars at the start, lag I guess. It really sucks when you start in pole and the people behind you get launched at a much higher speed than you, 4th before the first corner... Better when you start 2nd with the magic launch boost :) Last race I started last and got launched 3 places up that way before crossing the start line. In other races I've seen a huge gap in the middle of the field before the start, traffic jam in the autodrive part.

Yes the penalties are very easy to shave off if made on the start...and yes erratic is easy to pass, but unless you put distance fast they can ram your back in the next corner (I've done Interlagos and Maggiore always looking for the time against the 2nd place to avoid any risk of him ramming me).

On the start up, on maggiore for some reason the guys in front didn't hit gas and I just gushed out in front of then. And I may be wrong but they also ghosted out.

LivingMetal said:
shikamaru317 said:
Nice to see they are adding a proper campaign mode, but it still requires online to save your progress which is lame.

Are you saying that you simply have to be online to save the game , or are you required to subscribe to Plus?

I believe to save only online is enough. The box says most content need to be online, but doesn't say you need PS+ to play the game.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."