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He apologized. If he was completely innocent, I doubt he woulda done that.

Oh, bugger off. If you read the interview you know perfectly well what the context was and that there was nothing to apologize for. The interviewer asked a question deliberately crafted to provoke him (in a good-natured way) and Jaffe responded with a witty off-the-cuff remark. His "apology" consisted of him (very eloquently, I thought) expressing his frustration with message board nutballs for taking it entirely the wrong way and reiterating that he loves Miyamoto's games and respects him as a developer -- as he has always maintained.

Anyway, Jaffe is, imo, a mediocre, over-rated developer as well,

Your opinion indeed. As the man responsible for creating two of my favorite gaming franchises, I can only conclude that he's one of the best developers in the world.

All you have to do is listen to him talk for 5 minutes IRL and you would hate him too, trust me.

I've heard him talk extensively. In text I suppose he can seem a little grating, but when you hear him actually speak you realize he's an extremely intelligent, funny, and enthusiastic designer. What he doesn't have is the diplomatic persona most developers adopt during public relations -- with Jaffe, what you see is what you get. He's a regular guy, like anyone you'd go to the bar with.