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brute said:

the 360 clearly has the best rpg line-up,released and upcoming

but why isnt it doing good in japan

is it cause most of the japanese dont buy products not made by them(like with cars)

or maybe the name?the look?what do you think it is?

Because Japan is even more nationalistic than the USA. US car companies haven't penetrated the market that well yet either.... "The xbox hardware is loud and buggy." I don't think it's any buggier than any other piece of hardware. Look at the failure rates on the PS1 and PS2. I don't think the PS3 has sold enough to truly fail spectacularly yet. And if we really want to get into it... Sony failed to produce a console that is easy to program for. Most developers end up dumbing content down on it to get it to run well. You can blame the developer because it's easier, but it is REALLY Sony's fault. Be honest, should Sony have made the system easier to program for? If they made it easier to program for and as stable as it's currently been, you'd see better games, and more consumers.