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kingofwale said:
well, let's look at what they have in E3 last year.

Halo 3
they showed off Halo War
they showed off BioShock
they showed off Mass Effect.

that was a HUGE E3 for them. they just don't have that type of of AAA games this time around

especially on this site. Seriously, when APB is showed off by Realtime worlds as an exclusive MMO GTA for 360 people will come crawling back to the crack dealer that is Microsoft. Nintendo may own the casual market worldwide, but Microsoft owns it in America. Until Sony starts selling hardcore games at the same rate, or even 2:1 like MS in NA, they have nothing to worry about. And the others, (europe / Australia) always comes up 1:1 generally. And look at the list of known games coming out this year. Gears of War 2 -> Will be a system seller the same way the first one was. Fable 2-> Don't doubt the power of this title. Banjo and Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts-> I think this one will even attract some of you wii fans. (admit it you are interested.) Viva Piñata 2-> great simulation game that improves upon many of the faults from the first. Too Human-> who knows... it's been in development for so long it could be great... at the same time it could be mediocre, like other games that are in development for too long. Plus we have exclusive DLC too look forward to for GTA IV. (which will also be pimped at E3 no doubt...) I think that the GTA IV content will get some PS3 NA owners to trade their systems in for a 360. IMO.