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CAL4M1TY said:

I intentionally left that out because I figured that most people would have known that one already (particularly because this is a game forum), and like I said in the OP, the question is open ended, so I didn't want to restrict people to just "if it wasn't for game 1, nothing afterward would exist" because then the most important game for every franchise is the first. Each game series could be boiled down to that (big example would be Super Mario Bros, argueably the game that saved an entire industry, but it's importance to the series has diminished some what since it went into 3D), and there is a reason why every FF deserves a mention, so while we could say that FF 1 is the most important because without it square and FF wouldn't exist, let's keep it interesting, because alot of the things in FF1 have been lost with the recent installments (particularly "orbs" being the original "crystals").

Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I'm not going to claim that your view of FF1 being the most important is wrong (don't think anyone should make comments like that about anyones posts), I just figure we should judge both the additions the game had to the series and it's impact on history (and not just one or the other), because FF1 lacks in the former (aside from laying down the foundations of course).

@Khuutra: the phrase "putting it on the map" implies that it made it cool or well known, because up until FF7 Final Fantasy had a mostly cult following (arguable of course, but that seems to be the general consensus).


There's the flaw in your logic.

Square Soft made roughly a dozen games before Final Fantasy 1. Just because it was the first Final Fantasy doesn't mean it was the first Square Soft game (do you see the flaw in your logic?). The problem with the previous titles was that they weren't pulling in enough profit. Final Fantasy 1 was their last hope to regain profitability before folding.

When it comes to importance to Square Soft as a company, Final Fantasy 1 is the final say in "This is where our success began."