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I'm sure EA wants the Switch to be a minor format so that they can sell more product on more powerful x86 formats. They probably haven't got their head around the fact that people are buying the Switch not just for Nintendo games but to have decent games in portable mode. I can't see why they couldn't have done a better version of Fifa. They have a better relationship with Sony and Microsoft than Nintendo. It just feels like EA want the Switch to fail or be a niche product going by their actions. Bethesda in contrast have worked with the limitations of the Switch but still pushed the hardware as much as possible to deliver a competitive game experience albeit with reduced graphic fidelity. No such effort from EA. It seems they have very low ambitions regarding Switch.

If there is anyone out there with high regards for EA games who might be influenced by the lack of EA content on Switch then they would be motivated to buy a different system. EA for me is pretty insignificant nowadays. I'm much more interested in what Bethesda is doing as a big Fallout and Elder Scrolls fan.