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I'm on act one still....taking it very slowly (4 hrs 12 mins) and im also on the hardest difficulty. So far i love the cinematic edge to it, and how there is so much going on around you....i also love the (admittedly simple but effective) way you can make friends with militia by giving them....noodles! lol

I have just defeated the frogs squad, which is possibly the first teeny tiny letdown so far. It reminded of the battle against the ocelot unit in MGS3, but wasnt nearly as engrossing. I also found it a tad easy, completeing it in one attempt despite being on the aforementioned hardest setting.

One good thing is how all the trailers and previews have only seemingly shown parts of the 1st act, leaving the remianing four acts as a mystery to me....

Awesome game so far, but at the moment, its MGS, MGS3, MGS4 and MGS2...although 4 is tugging at the heels of 3 at the moment.

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot