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Riot Of The Blood said:


No, it isn't realistic -- it's flat out bullshit to give this over hyped game a ten. Anything with the slightest bit of hype nowdays gets a high score; it doesn't even matter what the game actually plays like. Reviewers seem to be reviewing hype rather than the game itself. That's why flawed games like GTAIV and Mario Galaxy are getting these stupid scores.

 While i've been critical of the review system lately your posts are obviously more of your "no game deserves a 10" and less "this game was flawed".  I haven't played MGS4 yet so I can't speak for it (and i'm sure you're in the same boat) but the idea that no game deserves a 10 is stupid.  There's no point in having a rating system on a 10 point scale if you restrict that 10 for a theoretical perfect game that can never exist. 

I understand that some could say "Well IGN had to give this game a 10 since it was better than GTAIV and that got a 10" but the same problem would exist even if you outlawed 10s.  If they gave GTA a 9.9 they would have to give MGS a 9.9/10 to show it's better and you'd be back where we are now.

Like I said in another topic we're to blame for this mess with the review system where suddenly a game is not being judged purely on its own merits but in comparison to scores another high profile game recieved.  The gamers are the reason the whole system is being criticized now.  As much as we give reviewers flak (and deservedly so) for being way too lenient for any hyped big budget game they pretty much have to.  If they don't and they give a big budget game under a 9 they are slammed by the fans overwhelming and lose credibility.  It's gotten to the point that for sites/magazines to get hits/subscriptions they cater to what we want and unfortunately the vocal majority demands perfect scores for the games they want to be good, regardless of how good they actually are.  

Sure there's a decent portion of gamers who call for better journalistic integrity but the industry can't survive off that and they unfortunately have to pander to the majority as they are after all a business.