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o_O.Q said:
Zkuq said:

Considering how common those mistakes are, it sure seems like something should be done about them - especially considering how easy mistakes they seem. Most harassment sounds like it's going way against common sense. I'm not saying there aren't cases where it's harder to differentiate between, say, flirting and harassment (for the harasser), but most cases should be quite obvious, yet they happen anyway. I mean, who thinks inappropriate suggestions, groping, ass slaps etc. are acceptable and not harassment by default? Then there's even more glaring cases of touching intimate areas. Many of these things might be acceptable at, say, a night club if you've been carefully evaluating the situation and pushing it further (without resistance), but generally it's clear as day that they're unacceptable behaviour.


"but generally it's clear as day that they're unacceptable behaviour."


and no one at all times abides by the concepts of what society deems as aceptable


don't get me wrong here, i'm not saying that this is not a problem, but i think its necessary to come at problems from a realistic perspective with the intention of actually mitigating against the problem in some way, or reducing the problem if possible


and tbh the dynamics in terms of how women and men operate make a solution for this difficult to unlikely imo, i already mentioned one - that women are generally drawn to men with power and that those men are most likely to be the type that pushes past boundaries... what can be done about this? i can't think of anything personally


maybe at some point we need to come to terms with the fact that the world is not perfect and that we need to accept that there is always going to be some risk that is innate to existing

And how is saying that essentially it's the way women are going to help anything? It's just normalizing it.