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I agree and disagree with some of your points Disolotude.

Elevator Music in a Metal Gear game... is almost too fitting... Kojima's a weird muthafucca :D But if you choose not to listen to the iPod, the music in that game is AMAZING. There alert music is entirely too badass :) And how badass was it that he put podcasts on there LOL

I like what the 360 did as far as implementing custom sound tracks, but honestly, I wish it was the developers choice, I'd rather they not support custom soundtracks for every title. I was SO thinking about this the other day and this thread rocks because of that fact :P

I've been humming the goddamn first level in Super Stardust for like the last month and a half -_-; SO CATCHY, but it just works well for that type of game.

I'm kinda all over the place with this post, so forgive me :P (I've got mgs4 on the brain and I can't play it because I'm stuck at work >

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