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MikeB said:

@ RocketPig

FYI, back when the 10 million announcement was made I stated I believed Microsoft overstocked retailers. I also think that happened for when they announced 19 million sales to retailers.

I am just stating facts, like them or not. And still Sony sold well more PS3s than Microsoft sold 360s for last holiday season, despite the release of Halo 3 one week before the the last quarter of 2007 began.

I'm not arguing your shipment numbers.

What I'm arguing is the fact that shipment numbers are virtually useless. They don't account for channel-stuffing, shortages, etc. There are a load of other factors that you leave out of the argument to make your point look better.

As usual, you're bringing up numbers that make the PS3 look good while conveniently failing to mention how the 360 shipped very few units in the first half of 2007 to make up for channel stuffing in 2006, which you even admit.

This is the same thing as the 1080p argument. You throw out a number without any explanation behind it and often leave out details. Your arguments misleading and disingenuous.

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