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I happen to totally agree with the OP. Back when XBox offered the ability to load your own songs into a game, I had a discussion with other people in the industry on the topic. Having entered the industry as a composer, the ability to load/play your own songs was a slap in the face to the talented game composers out there.

I think that having your own music detracts from the game experience. As a colleague put it: "Picture playng a serious RPG and you're at a sad/intense part of the game 'My family has been murdered by the king? My mother raped and killed?' and the song loads up and you hear 'From the windows to the walls! Everybody skeet skeet skeet skeet! Oh skeet skeet skeet skeet!' "

Playing a RE game with Slayer can be fun and all, but the music is what makes the scene even creepier. In game music needs to be preserved.

On related topics, a lot of composers are getting away from live recordings and returning to MIDI, now that we can use software synths to resemble high quality instruments. We can make the game be a logical dj - we create 4 or 8 bar musical riffs per instrument, give it a theme name, and tell the computer to choose instruments to mix and match, based on the given situation to match a theme. This means that you might not hear the same song twice - EVER. Pretty neat stuff.