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Guys, lets not forget just HOW top-heavy this game will be. Its THE game everyone will line up for, to score on day#1.

300k is a fantastic result for day#1 sales (esp. excluding bundle) - but don't be shocked if it does 400k-450k for week#1.

That said - 600k *is* possible. The last game to do something like that... Monster Hunter...


Metal Gear Sold 2 launched with about 300k (day#1) in Japan, and did 470k for week#1. Sales week#2 dropped to about 100k, and it ended up selling about 900k lifetime:


I (for one), would LOVE to see MGS4 do exceptionally well in Japan - and reinvigorate the PS3. The charts have become a little "stale" recently... 

Gesta Non Verba

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