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Kyuu said:
Miyamotoo said:

Its very hard to compare first PS4 FY and first Switch FY because of two reasons, first PS4 was launched during holiday season while Switch was launched in March, and second Switch most of time until now was supply constrained and still is in Japan for instance. So it will be much more accurate and more interesting to compare sales of full second year on market and based on that draw some conclusions.

Once Nintendo release 2D Mario, Animal Crossing, Pokemon, Smash Bros...they will start releasing new 3D Mario, new Zelda, new Mario Kart, new Pokemon, new IPs, some strong 3rd party forgetting that Switch is becoming only platform that Nintendo will support and they will not have any more deviaded resources on separate handheld and separate home console games, that automatically means much better support and much better managing of key and strong titles during evre year compared to past platforms.

Also, Switch like only Nintendo platform, will have few revisions (similar to 3DS family) that will further increase sales, so Switch platform can easily have more than 4 strong years, and actualy I think life span of "Switch family" will be quite long.

If the original Switch is abandoned at some point, then its sales should be separated from the succeeding revision that remains supported.

For instance.. we currently are combining X1X sales with X1 (like we should). But we won't continue to combine them if by the time Xbox 4 (X1X-2?) comes out, the original X1 is abandoned while X1X starts to function as a temporary low-end "9th gen" system until Xbox 5 (X1X-3?) is launched.

Nintendo's approach is anyone's guess, but I think I know what Microsoft is trying to do. And it's nothing akin to how Sony is handling the Pro.

I don't think we can separate PS4 Pro sales from base PS4, all New 3DS XL sales from first 3DS. Posible Switch Mini/Pocket, Switch XL/Pro, Switch Home only...will be part of Switch family also.

Its almost certain that Switch like hybrid device will have more different versions, similar like 3DS, but because hybrid nature of Switch, Switch have even more possibilities for different versions. Also, different addons are very possible, VR/AR addon for Switch, different control addons...


Barkley said:

PS4 of course. Switch is going to do very well, but not 100m+ well. Assuming the switch follows a traditional generation route and not incremental upgrades.

There is nothing traditional about Switch, and Switch will definitely have multiple revisions probably including upgraded version.