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sc94597 said:
Wow ninty is getting money hungry. Does anybody even want to buy that crappy product? I see no point in suing unless they want more money to go on top of their already massive amount.

 I'd sue the hell out of anyone that tried to steal my design without paying me royalties. If you don't then the people that do pay royalties get upset, and more people would stop paying royalties or not even bother trying to get licensing agreements in the first place.

Yes the product is probably not on par with other Nintendo products and makes it more imperative that Nintendo sue them because the are using trademarked names without permission. In the casual market the buyer doesn't know the difference between third and first party accessories and if they buy a shitty product they may automatically think Nintendo is to blame.

 Hell, I like Nyko alot and have bought more third party accessories from them than any other 3rd party company in history but they are in the wrong here and rightfully getting called out for it.