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I agree that MGS4 has HUGE development cost, but I think the rumors of $75 million are probably wrong. Most people say that KZII is one of the most expensive developments ever and it's not even close to running that high. Original reports were that KZ2 was suppose to cost around $30 million but because of poor management could end up being even more than that (some predict double--but that's still just rumor). Most say it will end up as the most expensive game ever created dethroning Shenmue.

But I guess Konami is the only one that knows its cost at this point, so who knows?

Eitherway, MGS4 was expensive and it will take a lot of games to make a profit, even if Sony absorbed some of the cost (such as marketing $$$, etc.)

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450