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I got my PS3/MGS4 bundle from Wal-Mart at midnight on the 11th (10% discount + free $100 gift card!). I had to go to work at 5am, yesterday, ,but that didn't stop me from hooking up that PS3 and firing up the game. At about 3am I finally finished all of the connecting, system updates, and registering. I inserted my copy of MGS4, and promptly blacked out.

I slipped in about an hour of play yesterday, and was dissapointed, not just with MGS4, but with the PS3 as a whole. I wasn't happy with the interface of the console, or the graphics/gameplay/control of the game.

I am an idiot. Today, I actually set up the resoloution (720p instead of 1080i), and learned how to play the darned game. I am blown away. This game is the highlight of the 7th gen for me! I'm sorry I ever doubted you, Snake.

My kid sister gets married tomorrow. If MGS4 gets much more awesome, I may not be there......