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Wright said:
Miyamotoo said:

You do realise that they are NDAs, so Bethesda even if they wanted to talk about Switch support they couldn't because Nintendo didn't allow them. Actually not single one game wasn't confirmed before January Switch event.

It doesn't matter whether it was a NDA or Bethesda being obtuse, because the public has to deal with their answer regardless. They're the same team that outright said no games for WiiU because of hardware, so there's been a palpable apathy from Bethesda ever since. Again, it matters none at this point because people seem in love with what Bethesda is doing; if games come, people put aside any previous history from the company.

Like I said, I get that some people might be angry at Capcom but c'mon. They're about to release both Revelations games, the later being a 2015 game that was never on a Nintendo console. They've just said they'll bring better support next year. The only thing that really doesn't make much sense is Okami not being ported to Switch as well, but considering Capcom was cautious with the Switch, don't dismiss a later port happening. Heck Bethesda's Wolfenstein 2 already released, but it'll come in 2018 for Switch - something people don't seem to mind.

The flaw in your argument is that the is an NDA in place whether you want to think it matters or not, they weren't developing for the Wii U or had any indication they were and flat out said they weren't this is far more respectful to consumers as they're not beating around the bush. With the Switch the first thing we saw was Skyrim running on it and when Bethesda didn't say much on the matter it was already clear they were on board as they would flat out say they aren't if they had no interest.

Capcom get a lot of heat because of how they handle things they rerelease low profile games like SFIIHD at full price and tell consumers its a test and continue to parrot that comment which comes across to the consumer as the company trying to tell them they're lucky to have the game it's terrible PR, RER isn't even anything to write home about the second game could have easily been on Wii U where as with Bethesda they've brought over Doom, Skyrim remastered and bringing over Wolfenstein all games that were in development before Switch was released even so they've shown proper commitment at trying to find success on the platform instead of Capcom's here and there stance.