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Not in any particular order but I feel like it could either be one of these:

1) GTA V - It's been hinted/rumored at before to be in the works for Switch and would make sense, could be that Rockstar is just waiting to base it on LA Noire's sales though. Plus GTA V is still constantly selling till this day after all these years so a Switch port would probably sell well too, could even be huge considering it's portable GTA V.  

2) Dark Souls Something (Either trilogy remake/collection, 3, or whatever). That has also been hinted at/rumored as well and I feel like a Dark Souls Collection is inevitable anyway and considering how Bandai Namco seems all in on Switch now with 3 new exclusives for 2018 they'll probably release multiplats as well.

3) Overwatch - Nothing really on this one, I just feel like that's one that would probably/possibly eventually come considering how popular and huge the Switch is selling and how popular and huge Overwatch is.