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Impulsivity said:
Garcian Smith said:
Impulsivity said:
Its not a derivitive rehash of games I've been playing since I was 4 like all the Wii games. Mario galaxy is barely different then Super Mario Bros on the Nintendo other then graphics, ditto for twilight princess (down to the dungeon design) compared to the original legend of zelda.

To be fair though I would say Bioshock and Mass Effect are similarly powerful and cinematic (and of course also on PC like all the good 360 games). Even still MGS4 is leaps and bounds above either in terms of sheer quality and polish. Its the kind of game that makes it worth owning an HD console and shows the severe limitations of the Wii in terms of developing cinematic experiences on par with the PS3.

Yeah man, Mario Galaxy is no different than Super Mario Bros. on the NES. Ah, I fondly remember the days of picking up and shooting Star Bits with my NES-Mote while Mario tackled gravity puzzles in World 3-2 and jumped from planet to 8-bit planet solving puzzles. Nintendo hasn't changed their design one bit since that game, and I'm sick and tired of it too.

So, in short: Preach on, brotha'. Preach on. bits and going from planet to planet for basic platforming in 3D with many of the same enemies Mario was fighting in 1985 makes it totally new and original... Derivative does NOT mean identical, there are small gimics like this time star bits and last time that god awful water cannon, but there is no substantial material difference between galaxy and Mario 64. The only real difference between Mario 64 was the advent of worlds you can do in any order, hidden stars and of course 3d (all of which are almost identical in galaxy). Galaxy is drasticly original compared with the exact copying of Mario Kart Wii which has not changed at all other then graphics since the SNES and Smash Bros Melee which is identical except for a god awful single player to the N64 game. Once a generation a new idea like Metroid Prime comes around (which is again pretty similar to NES metroid but 3D), but thats the exception not the rule. I know some people like rehashes and kid games, I know I did when I was 6-12, but making yet another nearly identical mario game to cash in doesn't move anything forward.


MGS4 like GTA4 is amazingly high in production values, freedom to choose your path and course of action and immersion. You actually have characters with interesting stories and real character unlike the pretty one dimensional Nintendo characters that barely talk and never change. Its like making There Will be Blood or No Country for Old Men vs making another pokemon movie or a new power rangers TV show. Of course judging from your wii fanboyism I bet you'd prefer the latter 2 and wouldn't even understand the former 2.

How old are you?

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom