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Its quite simple, the 360 RPGs flat out suck, especially the JRPGs. Blue Dragon is crap, and I can think of at least 15 PS2 RPGs that were better, its ephemeral fantasia bad. Similarly Lost Odyssey is horridly made with very bad attention to detail (watch the movements of the characters for instance) and while the cut scenes look OK is positively archaic in its execution. Yes Eternal Sonata isn't particularly bad but its also coming out on the PS3 and is certainly not of system seller quality. Maybe Star Ocean 4 will help but even then thats by far a junior franchise compared with Final Fantasy XIII which will certainly be a system seller just like FFVII made the PS1 the winner of the generation far and away (and FFX certainly helped the PS2)

The only good RPG on the 360 is Mass Effect which is really more an action game with RPG elements then anything else (and is on the PC to boot). Other then that they've just made a dozen iffy RPGs and are routinely outdone by the still viable PS2. Play Persona 3 and then tell me that the 360 is the place for RPGs, that game alone is better then all the 360 RPGs combined.

The Japanese aren't racist, the games just suck. Ok maybe they are a little racist but the suck point stands.

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me