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its a dead end question really because if FF did come to the 360, it would cease being 'as big'. Gamers are not buying 360's to play J-RPG and pumping money into 'forcing' the genre onto it isnt going to work.

MS could buy SE, providing they wanted to be bought (which they don't) but even then the cost would be astronomical. They would need to cover the potential losses that SE would make from no longer supporting the PS3, PSP, DS and Wii, which considering those consoles take up the vast majority of the market, would be an insane amount of money, even if they were left to publish on handhelds.

If MS knew that they could just scoop up Japan and the entire RPG playing market in one purchase like that, they would but its an incredible gamble and one that wouldn't be worth the risk.

MS are clambering over themselves to buy up smaller RPG series but they have their head up their ass if they think that's going to make a huge difference in Japan. The Japaese market love RPGs, but they also love Gundam, Dating sims, Train driving sims and endless other bizarre games that the west just will not touch and as long as japan keeps buying the PS3 over the 360 for those games AND RPGs, they have no chance.