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Nem said:
Goodnightmoon said:

County: "A county is a geographical region of a country used for administrative or other purposes"

A geographical region of a country/kingdom is not equivalent to a country or a kingdom, can you understand that or is too much for you? Catalonia was never independent, it was always a region of Aragon and Aragon decided to unite with Castille, they didn't conquered Catalonia, stop being so ignorant.

The surrounded regions don't want to go away; Valencia, Balearic Islands and Aragon want to stay and they were never part of Catalonia so it just wouldn't make any sense to vote for that. Many Catalans want us Valencians to go with them and I personally apreciate the offer, I do think Valencia and Catalonia could do a good and strong country together, the problem is they want us to be a part of Catalonia, but Valencia was never a part of Catalonia, so people here takes the offering as an attempt to fagocitate us and our culture, something that has already been happening in some cultural subjects btw, Catalonia has a loooong history of claiming things that doesn't really belong to them but to other regions, shocking right? I know you want to believe Catalonia is perfect and inmaculated but you are so far from reality as always, did you know Primo Rivera dictatorship in Spain was the fault of Catalonia? Even they recognize that, they got him into power, do you know one of the biggest showcase of violence in recent Spain ocurred in Catalonia 6 years ago when the Catalan police (instructed by the catalan goverment obviously) brutally beated (and shot) a bunch of peaceful manifestants that were protesting against the government? Watch it yourself but don't cry when you discover they aren't nearly as innocent as you believe.

Your philosophy that old kingdoms must try to become independent is deeply stupid, following that "logic" (if you can call it logic) most of Europe would break into little pieces which is no benefitial for anyone, it makes no fucking sense to make decisions based on what happened 600 years ago.

Oh and I dIdn't told you fear the Castilians, but clearly your hate comes from the fact that the country tried to conquer yours centuries ago, which is pathetic, that's like hating Germany now cause they were Nazis at some point in time, you even still calling spaniards "Castilians" lol even to people like me that comes from the Aragon Kingdom. As I said, you live in a medieval fantasy.

You have so little knowledge of history that it's not even worth talking with you.

Yes buddy, it's all good and stuff. These people are all crazy for trying to be independent and stuff. They should just shuddap and go to jail. How dare they disagree with you!



Is you the one that is not worth to talk to, you are the one that believed Catalonia was an independent Kingdom conquered by Castille, you are the one that said the Government of Spain was trying to to kill Puigdemont and that Spaniards used to kill Bascs for God's sake, is you the one that defends the idea that old kingdoms that were once united should all become independent now even if that happened 600 years ago, is just an offensive level of nonsense.

Last edited by Goodnightmoon - on 09 November 2017