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If I were a reviewer, this is how my review score would probably have been.

MY SCORE FROM BEFORE (Lets say 85, since avg)
+ Portability (score slightly or massively raised due to this, depending on how much enjoyment portability brings to game)
- Visiuals/FPS (Score slightly down due to game not looking as great as other versions)
- Delayed release (Regardless of how cool a game is, I've already played it so subconsciously my less enjoyment would lower score)
- Controls (If I reviewed PC version, then Switch is docked for shitty controls. Less docked if Gyro is implemented)

So in the end my score would be lower than what I rated the PS4/PC/One version. Probably around an 80.

I don't know what review scores are for the 4 platforms, but PC better be the highest. Not only does it look the best, and by a mile. The PC to PS4 is almost as big a diff as PS4 to Switch. Then add in controls of keyboard/mouse vs dual analog and it is clearly a superior version.