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Nautilus said:

I am not saying that every single company should port over every single game, but rather they should port over games from franchises that are known to be successful on the Switch.Outside of the whole argument of the Switch being a hybrid, and thus being an attractive product for at the very least the japanese market(wont go over the details here), there are games that are safer to port over than toher, simply because the audience is already there or rather, the audience that that specific device brings over is already conditioned to like those kinds of games.Some examples would be MH, Dragon Ball, RPGs in general such as Ni No Kuni, and games in those lines.

I really found it funny your main arguments now only revolve with MHW and DragonBall fighterZ. XD
Please answer this question, do you believe in some form we will have an announcement for Switch after few months these games releases? I already showed historically it does happen.
Also, I will replaces some of the games because I really felt you are moving the goalpost again. 
SE with Secret of Mana remake. Can you please explain to me why this game is not on NSW aswell?
Atlus with the influx of 3DS announcement lately without the cross platform with Switch?
Pokemon Company why the heck Ultra moon and ultra Sun is not Switch by your logic Switch are already conditioned by this type of games?

As for Ni No kuni I am still under the impression that it is a console exclusive. 

But Im not asking nor expecting to companies in general, even the ones that are close to Nintendo, to simple port over every game.But it would be wise and should be a practice for them to give the level of support that Square and Ubisoft are doing:Making games that know have a higher chance of resonating with the audience and thus, testing if there is a demand there for their games.Such examples are DQ, Just Dance(ugh), DQ Builders, Spelunker and so on.Yes, some of them are older games, but they didnt just bring old games or rather, they are bringing both the old games and the newer entries, like its the case of DQ Builders 1 and 2.Now going back to the Namco/Capcom example, Im not moving any goal posts.Im discounting MH XX and Xenoverse(to a much lesser extent) because both have newer entries that entice the market much more, and both are either a port of a game that is more than one year old or a port of a remaster of an original game.You wont get people interest over only these kinds of games and thus, they wont see success, or that much given the franchises pedigrees at least.And I mean, if Bethesda of all companies manages to bring Doom and Wolfenstein to the Switch under one year since it was on the market(roughly), why Capcom, which probably had more time with the hardware than Bethesda, cant Bring MH World to the system in time?

I will answer you with a question. Why Capcom took it's to support PS4? Why is there no DW 9? Why is there no Secret of Mana?
Why is there no Pokemon Utlra Moon and Ultra Sun? Do you see what I am getting at here?
After MHW release  and give it 6 months do you think Capcom will announce a port of MHW?

MHXX is already a clear indication that they will support Switch with MH in the future. You just want to ignore it because you are blinded with MHW. 

My other problem also lies with the stance many of these companies are taking towards the Switch, or took at the beginning.It makes sense for companies not used to launch games on Nintendo platforms to say that, but japanese companies?That a good chunk of their money comes from handhelds systems?And while yea, the PS4 support in the first year wasnt stellar and all(and I was kinda wrong about Namco, didnt know about the Tales game), it did receive support from the companies that have alot of success usually on Platform systems, such as COD, FIFA, Madden(sports game in general), Assasins Creed(if Im not mistaken).So in another words, it got the support from the games the system is most known to have, is most associated with.The system didnt get the bullshit statements from the companies that are known to be big supporters of Playstation systems.The same didnt happen with the Switch and thats whats mindboggling.

Why are you using western games as an example? Western games are irrelevant on our argument. Are you moving the goalpost again by using western devs? If your argument is about then yes I won't even have a debate with you. Some western devs are just allergic with Nintendo for some reason. 
And since we are talking about Japanese devs. go beyond early days of  3DS. After the success of DS. A lot of devs is still supporting PSP and DS. I will tell for the fact that Capcom supported Nintendo platform more than Playstation platforms.

I dont have a bias.Or at least not in the sense that it impedes me from seeing the situation as it is.I wont say that has happened in the past because I wasnt as active back then as I am now, but its just a stupid stance that companies in general had with the Switch that I didnt see it happening, at least in such a scale, with the PS4 and to a lesser extend to the XOne.

What do you mean stance by this 3rd party devs? Can you site example other than Capcom and BandaiNamco? These 2 are the prime example of not taking any chances regularly. 

response in bold.