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MikeB said:
@ starcraft

That bolded comment is very misleading. Microsoft sold more Xbox 360's to consumers at retail last year than Sony did PS3's. Sony had a marginally higher shipment rate because Microsoft stuffed the supply chain in late 2006 and didn't have to refill shipments till a third of the way through the year in any major way.

Actually that's the most objective observation, Sony sold more than 1 and a half million PS3s more than Microsoft sold 360s. As you know worldwide retailer sales are hard to track, so it's hard to come to any worldwide conclusions.

Taking into account that figure, you cannot come to the conclusion the 360 sold more at retail worldwide than the PS3. However you probably agree the 360 did not crush the PS3 in sales with the release of Halo 3 like many fanboys predicted.

According to VGC there were more Xbox 360's sold then PS3's, and particularly towards the end of last year VGC's numbers proved more accurate than NPD's when compared to shipment numbers.

But I agree it was all fairly close. As for Halo 3, there is no single game that can make a console dominated (save perhaps GTA, an effected that was mooted when it went multiplatform). But then, even for those that thought Halo 3 would be that game, they must have realized otherwise when the console sales boost was over by late October last year.

Its the same story with MGS4. Right now its hailed as the PS3's big NA booster. The reality is, a month after its launch, hardware sales will be back to normal. It could actually work against Sony in a competitive sense. If Sony trounces MS in July NPD's, Microsoft might cut the 360's price earlier than they realistically need to when Sony is clearly in no state to offer a competing drop.

In fact, MGS4 hasn't even seen the lead-up sales increase Halo 3 saw, but that could be partly due to the re-introduction of the 80GB.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS