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dtewi said:
This is no insult to MGS4, but 10s are being given out like candy now...

How so? Just because PS3 has two 10's in one and a half years of being released? The only perfect score IGN gave to 360 is also on PS3. The Wii has no perfect 10's from IGN. I hardly think that counts as "given out like candy". More like, great games are being made on a great system. If MGS4 were released 2 years from now, no one would complain about it getting a 10 from IGN. It just happens to come right after GTA4. I doubt you will ever see a 10 on the Wii, and the 360 probably won't get another one either.

 Oh and I love the game so much. It is a 10 in my eyes. Everyone go pick it up right now, it is worth owning a PS3 for. And the new Hulk movie is an A as well. Go see it.