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trestres said:
@Impulsivity, keep dreaming about PS3 outselling Wii. It won't EVER happen, never no chance. And by the way it looks like you haven't played any Nintendo Wii game so far, calling SMG, MP3 or SSBB the same old game is truly stupid.

I guess you are a troll and you are upset and sad that your console of choice isn't going to "win" this gen. I'm not too concerned about who wins what, but I'm realistic.

I owned a GC last gen, supported it to death and it was a wise choice, I've played some of the best games ever made.

Be happy the PS3 is STILL getting games, not too far in a distant future, your luck will be different. Exclusives for PS3 LMAO?! All multiplats or 360 timed exclusives. PS3 is destined for 2nd or 3rd place, there's no discussion. Wii appeals to casuals, hardcore and non-gamers.

Even a dog could tell you that Wii has already won this gen.

     First off Metroid Prime 3 is basically identical to 1 and 2 in every way.  Similarly Smash Bros Brawl has a horrid 1 player experience which is an "upgrade" similar in quality to that god awful water pack last gen in Mario.  I have no idea why it is stupid to claim Nintendo games are derivative, they just are.  

    As far as the Wii getting all the good games please look at the E3 lineup.

    What wii games are there that seem good at all there?  Oh boy Game Party 2!

     I'll be much happier with Resistance 2, Little Big Planet, a new motorstorm, Gran Turismo 5, and a bunch of great 360/PC/PS3 games thanks.

     It is pretty sad though that game party 2 will probably sell a million copies 

     As to the games aren't cinema point I agree fully, they're not, they're infinitely better if done right!  Cinematic does not mean a movie, it means an interactive high quality experience (GT4 for instance) that is engaging, has interesting characters with believable personalities and amazing spectacles that create a continually exciting narrative.  There's just none of that in any of the first party Nintendo games.  How many characters in any of the Nintendo games have said much more then here we go and I'm a gonna win.

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me