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super_etecoon said:
yushire said:
super_etecoon said:
yushire said:
I think Wii and Wii Fit needs to stockpile and increase shipments THIS WEEK, not only to counter MGS4 but to make Wii Fit have the same league as MKWii and SSBB

How could a brand new franchise (hyped or not) be expected to be in the same league as the two hottest franchises from the previous generation?


Correct me if I'm wrong, Yushire, but your modus operandi is to consistently invite negative discussion surrounding the Wii, its develeopment, and its sales. So I think the creation of this thread is a bit suspect.

Thats what Trestes said to me, I PM him saying it isnt, just to say this but my threads are worse than these before Im actually changed. Have you seen me making threads about negative remarks on the Wii lately? HELL NO, maybe the wiiware games are 100x better than 3rd party games thread but thats the truth. And yeah, you can hype a new game and make it the same league as old franchises its proven.


uh..woops....maybe I have you confused with someone else. 

But I still don't think we should expect similar numbers from WiiFit, not only because WiiFit is a new franchise, but also because they can fit 10-20 times more of Brawl and MKWii into a box to be shipped than they can of WiiFit.  Logistics plays a huge part in shipment numbers, as we have seen with the console itself.  


So do u mean Ninty was happy they sell 600,000 units in just a month? :/ Wii fans say so otherwise, even Malstrom made an article about Wii Fit and this game may destroy the core gamer world guess we're wrong...


end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out