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MontanaHatchet said:
I never read Malstrom's articles because he sounds like a real douche and one responding to it doesn't sound too fun either. Can you summarise the response better? It seems as if the writer was claiming that Nintendo releases hardcore games but doesn't advertise them well enough, or something like that...


 Basically the author says the article is right and Nintendo will win for its blue ocean way however he points out that nintendo has talked about new franchises since GCN era and now its coming to forition. That as gamers go from teir 1 to teir 2 there is no teir 3 nintendo games and that third parties need to pick up the slack. He mentions a couple third parties well equiped for that but he mentions SE which i disagree with because so far only one SE game has come out for the Wii so far.

"Like you know"