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trestres said:
@Impulsivity: Two 10's on the PS3, WOW, I might be missing something, cause you know what? I can't find them and I never will. By your logic MGS4 is the same rehashed game all over again, with shiny new graphics, DMC$ is (multiplat) and same game as DMC3 too much milking on this, UT3, same old game, just some new weapon; Pro evo soccer, 112423th game in the franchise, the truly new game is the Wii Pro evo; Elder Scrolls 4? lol same game again; Ninja Gaiden? same NES game all over again. Ratchet and Clank one of the most milked franchises in history; CoD 4 same old game of a milked franchise. The rest are mediocre.

PS3 lacks exclusives, all are milked down franchises or mediocre new games.

^See what I did there?

Also about 100 million PS3 sold, it better start selling faster LOL!!! About 18 million by years end would mark it's second anniversary (Being generous giving an extra christmas) so if PS3 sales continue to plummet week by week instead of rising, PS3 will sell nowhere close to 50 million by 2125.
Also catch the 360 first, talk later. And one last point 27.5 million users are enjoying a Wii, PS3 isn't as popular as the ilogical troll/fanboy inside you wants it to be. Whenever PS3 outsells the Wii, call me :)

    If you played GTA4 or MGS4 you would see a drastic revolutionary difference between them and earlier games in the series, its very striking, almost as much as the difference between GT2 for PS1 and GT3 for PS2.  The reason they can be drasticly better is the hardware is getting to the point where the sky really is the limit for cinematic experiences and amazingly expansive game play.  That is why I say that the PS3 will outlast the Wii and will end up more successful.  The Wii is severely hobbled by being old tech.  Also most of the big PS2 hits didn't come till a few years into the life cycle once developers really started to take advantage of the technology and the price dropped enough for bigger sales numbers.  The difference is in the potential of the system.

    Ditto for Oblivion 4, Call of Duty 4 and many of the other continuations of the series, playing the new PS3 version and the older PS2 versions are like night and day in options, attention to detail and sheer cinematic immersion which does matter to more people then you'd think.  GT4 between 360 and PS3 has already sold more then any non bundled Wii game if you want proof that I'm not alone in thinking that. 

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me