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Actually, he has a point. Nintendo is very happy to put out lots of tier one and two games, but they are waiting too long to put out tier three games. I think Brawl is the "third tier" (the writer thoughtit was second tier), LOZ:TP & MP3 are as well, but these types of games are too infrequently released by Nintendo. And when they are, they are not heavily marketed.

I think Nintendo would be happy for third parties to do very well and dominate Nintendo in the third tier, but they have been slow to take the bait (unless they are already in development and we just are not aware of it yet (as Capcom infered AAA wii support will be visible very soon). And the third tier games that have been released by third parties have been as poorly advertised as Nintendo's third tier games (Okami, No More Heroes both made X-Plays top 8 of '08 so far, but have sold poorly. Yes I know NMH is extremely niche, and Okami is a port that didn't sell well the first time even when it won GOTY). Clearly Nintendo games have shown to sell well on Nintendo systems, Nintendo needs to really make and market some AAA third tier games (or market the ones they made and ignored, like Fire Emblem, also a niche title). Third tier might not sell as well as Wii Sports, but the Wii needs games to please Wii owners who like RPG's, JRPG's, FPS's etc.

We are seeing a few third tier games announced , the Conduit is probably one of the most talked about and visable at this point, but I agree with the writer that Nintendo should be making games for all three tiers. Star Wars the Force Unleased will be a great bridge game with third tier elements.

Maybe E3 will give us some third tier titles and a storage solution.

BAM! There it is!
Wii Code 3456 7941 4060 2924
COD MW Reflex 541192229709