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I guess I define "domination" in a different way. I see the Wii as having dominated the casual market from the very beginning. Who wanted to keep using their PS2 for that, after all? Its not really in the same league with the HD consoles, so it's kinda wierd to compare them side-by-side, IMO.

If there's any "domination" going on across all three platforms, I think a better way to evaluate it would be to only compare titles which shipped across all three. Its not many titles overall, because like I said, they really are targetting very different demographics, and thus aren't really competing.

A casual glance at said titles seems to say that the Wii suffers a bit, relative to the 360 in particular (which makes sense, given existing numbers).  License titles (movie games) seem to do well on the Wii, but "AAA" games (like Madden) favor the 360.  That totally supports the "different demographics" idea.