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Maybe I'll restate my question at the end of the first post - which is what this thread SHOULD be about:

Based on the current charts, Nintendo is dominating more than ever before - and even after GTA4 has been released.

Has this domination "peaked", or will it continue to increase (until even more of the charts are dominated by Ninty platforms)?


@all: I simply used the term 'Nintendomination', because it has been widely used for a couple of years now - but the actual domination by Ninty has *increased*, not dropped off. If anything, its the weakening of the PS2 over the last 12 months which has helped Ninty solidify its position in the charts.


PS - my "ultra PS/GT fanboy" mate is over at my place at the moment, and we have been playing ExciteTruck since last night. He is now truly addicted to it, and is talking about buying a Wii(!). I suggested he should wait until the PS3 drops more in price, so he can get GT5 - but he declined, saying he didn't like the direction (& car handling?) of the last couple GT games in the series. He might change his mind if he actually played GT5 Prologue though :P

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