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Desroko said:
I've noticed that the troll doesn't talk about games, he talks about technology (wrongly, but we'll ignore that for now).

By this logic, we all suck for not buying the 3DO.

    How many 9+ games are out for Wii?  Seems to be somewhere around 6 (all 1st party rehashes of games already played with marginal improvements) Galaxy, Melee, Metroid, Twilight Princess, and some game I've never heard of called Zack and Wiki.  There's debatably Okami too but thats a rehashed PS2 game very playable on the PS2 where it got better reviews.  

    Alternately on the PS3 theres two 10s (as compared to none for Wii) Metal Gear Solid 4 and GTA 4 both of which play drastically different then their predecessors in large part because of the expanded tech in the PS3 (you could never in a million years make either game for the Wii).  There are also 10 9+ games Rock Band, Call of Duty 4, Ratchet and Clank, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Pro Evolution Soccer, Elder Scrolls 4, Uncharted, Resistance, Unreal Tournament 3, Devil May Cry 4, Folklore and Motorstorm.

    If you want to talk games thats very clearly advantage PS3, unless of course you have a strong nostalgia complex that makes any game you've already played before 3 times with no real changes better.  Or you really love the imagine games and mini game collections in which case the Wii is clearly your system.  I will give props to Wii fit though, that made me start up the Wii again after a long hiatus. 

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me